Raw Food or Cooked Food, Which is the Healthiest? Put Down that Kale Smoothie!

Raw Food or Cooked Food, Which is the Healthiest? Put Down that Kale Smoothie!


Home » 2019 » June (Page 2)

Raw Food or Cooked Food, Which is the Healthiest? Put Down that Kale Smoothie!

Raw Food - The NTA

Guest post by Diana Rodgers, RD, LDN, NTP. This article originally appeared in the Winter 2012 edition of The Nutritional Therapist. 


I hear and read about many people making kale smoothies, consuming raw nuts, and munching salads consisting of raw broccoli. So, I decided to take a look at some research to see what the nutritional costs were of eating raw food.  I found that it may better for your body to consume primarily cooked or lacto-fermented vegetables. Breaking down the cellular structure of vegetables through these methods greatly increases the digestibility and nutrient absorption in vegetables. 


Potential Danger to Eating Raw Foods


May Lead to Thyroid Issues

Certain foods can cause disrupted thyroid hormone production. Foods belonging to the cruciferous family are called “crucifers,” and include broccoli, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard, kohlrabi, and turnips. These foods may reduce thyroid function by blocking thyroid peroxidase, and by disrupting messages that are sent across the membranes of thyroid cells. Cooking these vegetables greatly reduces these negative effects. 


May Cause Hormonal Regulation Issues

Cooking may also have a positive effect on net energy in the body. Humans on vegetarian diets exhibit higher reproductive performance when eating cooked food than raw food. Evidence of low energy intake in women eating predominantly raw food is supported by their having higher rates of amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities than those eating cooked food.

In one study, it was found that menstruation was absent in 23% of females of childbearing age who ate at least 70% of their food raw and in 50% of women reporting a 100% raw diet. Although these women were primarily vegetarian, the addition of raw meat to the diet did not change the odds of ovarian suppression. The researchers concluded that women suffered because of their relatively low net energy gain as a consequence of eating their food raw.  A nutritional analysis suggested that in traditional communities, a diet of raw wild foods would render survival and reproduction difficult.  Learn more about the energy loss through consumption of raw food here.


May Cause Food-Borne Illness

Constant exposure to pathogens and bacteria through raw food can overcrowd the gut flora and cause food-borne illness, food poisoning, or dysbiosis. Consuming conventionally farmed raw food can increase the likelihood of being exposed to harmful bacteria like Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes.


May Cause Digestive Upset

Foods high in insoluble fibers like kale, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. can cause some digestive troubles as they are not absorbed by the body. Instead they call on water from your digestive system and can cause inflammation to an already inflamed gut. Research shows that masticating or cooking veggies and fruit can improve overall digestibility and energy value.



Benefits of Eating Cooked or Fermented Foods


Research suggests several reasons why cooking might increase the energy available from meat

  • It may increase food intake through positive effects on palatability related to texture and flavor
  • Render proteins more digestible through denaturation
  • Lowers the tax on digestion through food softening 
  • Reduce immune up-regulation by eliminating food-borne pathogens

Given that textural changes are at least partially responsible for the proposed positive effects of cooking on intake, digestibility, and the cost of digestion, non-thermal processing methods that manipulate texture, such as pounding, may likewise be effective in improving the net energy value of meat. 


It is important to note that eating cooked, very lean meats has a nutritional cost. Archaeological evidence suggests that fat derived from bone marrow may have been preferred over muscle tissue as a source of energy and nutrients among early humans. Diets deriving more than 50% of calories from lean protein can lead to negative energy balance, so-called ‘‘rabbit starvation,’’ due to the high metabolic costs of protein digestion. 


Foods have been heat-treated for many centuries, since our ancestors learned, by trial and error, to master fire for cooking purposes approximately 700,000 years ago, to modify the taste and preserve nutritional properties of foods. The invention and continuous development of food treatment has had a substantial, if not major impact on the intellectual, societal, and economic development of mankind. 


Fermentation Improves Gut Flora 

The health benefits of fermentation have been known for centuries. In 76 A.D., the Roman historian Plinio advocated the use of fermented milks for treating gastrointestinal infections. Fermentation is a non-thermal process that produces chemical changes by enzymes produced from bacteria, microorganisms, or yeasts and is one of the oldest-known food preservation techniques. 


During fermentation, the carbohydrate energy source in food, such as lactose in milk, is converted to lactic acid. The same happens when pickles are produced from cucumbers. Yeasts convert glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Many health-producing secondary metabolites are produced through fermentation, especially B vitamins and bioactive peptides which can be antimicrobial and immune-stimulatory.


In the early 1900s it was realized that bifidobacteria may be effective in preventing infection in infants and the consumption of fermented milks were seen to reverse putrefactive effects of the gut micro flora, leading to the development of the probiotic concept. Probiotics are now used in the treatment of infections and used to promote a healthy immune system. Consuming fermented foods will improve the presence of healthy bacteria in the gut. 


Cooking can Eliminate Toxins 

One of the most important beneficial effects of food processing is that it destroys unwanted compounds and microorganisms. Pathogenic bacteria are killed when exposed to heat. Cooking also deactivates anti-nutritional factors such as protease inhibitors and other natural toxins.


The second effect is enhanced digestibility of food and bioavailability of nutrients. For example, gelatinization of starch makes possible its hydrolysis by amylase enzymes. Destruction of cell walls in vegetables improves the bioavailability of compounds such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Nuts and seeds contain many anti-nutrients in their raw state. Soaking your nuts overnight will increase the bio-availability of the nutrients in nuts and seeds. 


Pounding, curing and cooking meat is beneficial. 

When considering meat, there seems to be some evidence that processing meat either by pounding, drying, curing or cooking is beneficial. Pounding meat and making it soft seems to reduce the expense on digestion, partly because it passes more quickly through the gut.


The collagen surrounding each fascicle of muscle fibers generally remains too tough for mastication until heated to 60–70° C, when collagen begins to be hydrolyzed into gelatin, a soluble protein. Although the muscle fibers themselves remain tough, meat cooked beyond this temperature leads to gelatinization of the collagen, which separates the muscle fibers and the gelatin.


Improved texture of meat makes it easier to chew, and easier for our bodies to break down. Also, when the fats are heated to oil from a fat, it’s easier for our bile to emulsify and ultimately leads to faster absorption. In studies, humans and chimps prefer the taste of cooked meat, leading to us eating more of it. Consumption of more protein meant larger brains and bigger muscles as we evolved. 



Cooking Kills Food-Borne Bacteria

Including strains associated with raw meat products such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus, and Listeria. The potential energy savings due to reduced immune maintenance and up-regulation could be sizable. Raw wild meat is possibly less pathogen-bearing on average than raw meat that has been raised and processed for mass-market consumption.


When meat is processed at the slaughterhouse, E. coli and other pathogens from the intestines can invade the ground meat. This is why most outbreaks involve burgers and other forms of ground meat but is not usually associated with steaks. These pathogens do not enter the inside of the muscle tissue (steaks). 


When eating industrially-raised red meat, I suggest cooking the burgers well. Slow cooking meat appears to be one of the best methods to prepare meat for optimal digestibility. 


Lightly cooked fish is healthier than raw or fried.  

In the case of fish, it appears that lightly cooked is optimal. In one study where edible portions of fresh fish were used raw, fried, cooked and undercooked, the researchers concluded that the breakdown of fish proteins were all fairly complete, but general digestibility was greatest with underdone fish as compared to raw, fully cooked or fried fish. 


Raw Food Or Cooked Food Infographic




In summary,

I strongly suggest cooking vegetables, consuming lacto-fermented vegetables, and other fermented foods. If you like to eat raw meat, make sure it is from a very clean source and it’s safer to stick to muscle and organs which are less likely to be contaminated with pathogens. 

If you are out at a restaurant and want a standard industrially-raised beef burger, order it cooked well. Focus on slow cooking processes and using primarily grass-fed and wild meats, where the animals are much less likely to be sick (and get you sick). These meats will also have a much better ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats, thereby keeping inflammation down. Sashimi and other raw fish from trusted sources are ok, but lightly cooked fish seems to be optimal as far as protein digestion. 


The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the NTA. They are intended for general information purposes, and are not to be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Diana Rodgers Family About Diana 

Author, Nutritionist, Sustainability Advocate, Multimedia Producer, Sustainable Dish

Diana Rodgers, RD, LDN, NTP is a “real food” nutritionist living on a working organic farm near Boston, Massachusetts that runs a vegetable and meat CSA. She is the author of two bestselling cookbooks and runs a clinical nutrition practice. Diana writes and speaks about the intersection of optimal human nutrition, environmental sustainability, animal welfare and social justice. She is also the producer of The Sustainable Dish Podcast, interviewing experts in the environmental and health movement. Her new film project examines the environmental, nutritional and ethical case for “better meat’. She can be found at www.sustainabledish.com.



Join us for a Live Webinar with one of our Instructors and Admissions Advisors!

During this call, you’ll explore and learn:

  • How to create a rewarding career in holistic nutrition that will give you the confidence and competence to replace your full-time income (whether you’re new to nutrition or or using it to enhance your current services)
  • How our unmatched education and instructor support sets our NTP program apart from other nutrition programs​​​​​​​
  • How graduates are successfully using their education and the many career opportunities available to you
  • If the NTP program is the right fit for you and how to move forward in financing your education


Faces of the NTA: Meet Karin Oceguera

Faces of the NTA: Meet Karin Oceguera


Home » 2019 » June (Page 2)

Faces of the NTA: Meet Karin Oceguera

Faces Of The NTA Meet Karin Oceguera


Get to know Karin Oceguera


How long have you worked for the NTA? What is your role? 

I have worked for the NTA since October 2018 and am the Chief Financial Officer. This is a great role because I get to see how the entire company functions and I can interact with everyone because everyone needs finance for something. 


What attracted you to work at the NTA? 

I have always valued substance of work very highly. My daughter is a teacher and one day came home very frustrated because she was having a hard time. I asked her to keep in mind that she is doing such important work. At the time, I was working some place that did not have much substance and told her that if the place I was working shut down it would be sad because a lot of people would lose their jobs, but the world would not cease to spin. If teachers stopped teaching, the world would be much worse off, and she is part of that impact. It was then that I never felt more deeply that I also needed to work for a place that makes a difference. After much searching and “interviewing” potential workplaces, I came across the NTA and never looked back. I now know I am working every single day with purpose and what we do matters. Working with people and an organization that impacts the world in such a meaningful way is such a privilege. 

Karin Oceguera family

What do you love about working for the NTA? 

I love the people with whom I work and the community we are reaching. Because every day is different, there is always something new coming up which makes the work very rich and rewarding. I am proud of where I work and what I do which makes going to work more than just showing up and doing a job. 


What are you most proud about accomplishing in your time at the NTA to date? 

That is a hard question because it’s not about me accomplishing things, but more about the team. I am most proud of the work the whole team has done with collaboration. Sometimes communication across multiple states is hard for companies, but the NTA recognized the potential difficulties and makes every effort to ensure all voices are heard, everyone is valued, and that we have the tools necessary for great collaboration. I love being part of a community where we all have a voice. 


Describe the NTA in three words? 

Passionate, Revolutionary, Doers  


Describe yourself in three words 

Motherly, Intelligent, Peaceful 




What do you love the most about our community? 

This is one loud bunch! I have never come across such caring individuals before. The community cares about the NTA and the people we are reaching every day. They care about the past, present, and future NTPs and NTCs. I absolutely love the level of commitment each member of this community has. It truly is amazing! 


What is your favorite fat? 

Avocado. It can be on toast, on eggs, on sandwiches, on salad, with meat, all by itself, you name it! 


What is your least favorite food? 

Brussel sprouts and raw kale. I just can’t do it. Sorry, Lisa. 


What’s your most used cook book or recipe blog and why? 

I don’t have a most used cookbook or recipe blog. Most of my cooking is made up of what looks and smells like they should go together. Sometimes I will Google how to make something and look through the results until I find a recipe I can agree withbut that’s usually only when I have tried it on my own and failed miserably. 


What are you reading (or listening to) right now? 

I used to have time for reading 😉 


 In your mind, what are the biggest challenges the holistic health community faces? 

One of the challenges I see facing the holistic health community is growth in a world of lies and misled consumers. When major corporations feel the pinch from well-informed and nutritionally conscious consumers, they ramp up advertising, lower costs to entice buyers, tout their products as healthy to consumers who do not know otherwise and use their resources to block opponents. The challenge here is fighting the deceptive advertising with knowledge and proven scientific research. This can be done but is an uphill battle for sure. 



Want to speak with an instructor? 

Join us for a Live Info Session on June 26 at 5 PM PST. One of our Senior Lead Instructors will go in-depth, discussing the differences between our programs. This is a great opportunity for you to get your questions answered!


Nutritional Therapy Association Review: What Our Grads Are Saying

Nutritional Therapy Association Review: What Our Grads Are Saying


Home » 2019 » June (Page 2)

Nutritional Therapy Association Review: What Our Grads Are Saying

Trying to decide if the NTA is the right path for you? Watch our grads share their Nutritional Therapy Association review.

You’re here most likely because you’ve been contemplating a career in nutrition. You’re often the go-to for nutrition advice in your friend and family circle but you’re wanting to take your holistic nutrition education to the next level. We know the importance of being able to envision what your practice could look like. That’s why we’ve compiled videos from some of our notable graduates who have graciously shared their Nutritional Therapy Association review.

It’s not enough for our team to tell you why becoming certified in Nutritional Therapy would be the most transformative decision you could make. We want you to hear directly from the NTPs and NTCs who are in the trenches and serving their communities. 

Note: some information in these videos reflect previous iterations of the NTP Program—but the core of our mission has remained the same. For the most up to date information about the NTP Online program, click here.


Caitlin Crowell


Cait Crowell, NTP of What Cait Ate





Steph Gaudreau



Steph Gaudreau, NTC of Harder to Kill Radio





Mandy Meehan


Mandy Meehan, NTP






Liz Wolfe


Liz Wolfe, NTP of Real Food Liz







Amie Tollefsrud


Aime Tollesfrud, NTP of Rebelle Nutrition





Note: some information in these videos reflect previous iterations of the NTP Program—but the core of our mission has remained the same. For the most up to date information about the NTP Online program, click here.




Join us for a Live Webinar with one of our Instructors and Admissions Advisors!

During this call, you’ll explore and learn:

  • How to create a rewarding career in holistic nutrition that will give you the confidence and competence to replace your full-time income (whether you’re new to nutrition or or using it to enhance your current services)
  • How our unmatched education and instructor support sets our NTP program apart from other nutrition programs​​​​​​​
  • How graduates are successfully using their education and the many career opportunities available to you
  • If the NTP program is the right fit for you and how to move forward in financing your education


Faces of the NTA: Meet Kate Hughes

Faces of the NTA: Meet Kate Hughes


Home » 2019 » June (Page 2)

Faces of the NTA: Meet Kate Hughes

Face Of The NTA: Meet Kate Hughes


Get to know Kate Hughes


How long have you worked for the NTA? What is your role? 

Ive worked for the NTA since November 2017. I originally started as a part-time contractor to help out with the 2017 Annual Conference. Pretty soon after I started, the team realized that there was a need for a full-time Event Manager, so I gladly accepted the role. After our Austin Business Summit, I accepted a new role as Senior Manager of Partnerships and Events. I have the pleasure of managing our yearly eventstradeshows, annual partners and sponsors with the two awesome ladies on my team – Kaitlyn and Shawna (you will learn more about them later here).  


What attracted you to work at the NTA? 

Actually, my best friend Dana! We worked together back in Portland in 2016 on the IAAF World Indoor Track Championships. Dana was the food guru and I was the accommodation manager. We hit it off instantly, as we are both hard working badasses 💪💪💪💪. Dana reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in the opportunity and it was a no-brainer. Dana never gets involved in something unless it’s a game changer, and boy was she right!  


Kate and her husband and son


What do you love about working for the NTA? 

Everyone is so passionate about what they do and works their butt off! Theres always such a buzz in the air when we’re together. It’s amazing to be part of a team who genuinely cares. Plus everyone is so much fun. We all have a great bond and really are like family. I recently became a mum and I don’t know what I would have done without the amazing support of this crew 


What are you most proud about accomplishing in your time at the NTA to date? 

I think building a role and a team that never existed before my time. All events were managed by a contractor company, and I think it’s awesome to see that in just over a year this is now a team of three 


Kate Hughes With Friends Describe the NTA in three words? 

Healing. The. World.


Describe yourself in three words

Go-getter. Resilient. Loud. 


What do you love the most about our community? 

Their inspiration & success. 


What is your favorite fat? 

Chocolate…does that count? 


What is your least favorite food? 

Licorice. YUCK!


What’s your most used cook book or recipe blog and why? 

Eek, I’m a terrible cook. My husband does it all.   


What are you reading (or listening to) right now? 

Reading: Any baby book that tells me how I can get my baby to sleep more.  

Listening to: My Peloton (that works right?)I’m obsessed with the trainer Robin Arzon, what an inspirational badass. Working out is my stress reliever, love pushing myself and I’m really competitive!  


In your mind, what are the biggest challenges the holistic health community faces? 

I think it’s difficult to find resources, support and know who to trust…step in the NTA!!  


Kate Hughes's Husband And Son




Take our free 7-day course! 

You will learn:

  • + How to eat a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, whole foods diet.
  • + Why you are not just what you eat, but what you actually absorb.
  • + How to balance blood sugar and increase energy.
  • + Why you need healthy fats and cholesterol in your diet.
  • + The critical roles of minerals and how to get more in your diet.
  • + Why water is the most important nutrient and how to best hydrate.
  • + The NTA Manifesto & how to learn more about Nutritional Therapy.
