Reporting and Investigation of Harassment

The NTA takes concerns about discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct seriously.

We encourage employees, students and alumni to raise any concerns they may have through the proper channels so that these concerns can be evaluated, investigated, and resolved. Any NTA staff member, faculty member, or alumnus who wishes to report a concern about harassment, discrimination, or retaliation is encouraged to report these concerns immediately.

NTA staff member or faculty members may do so at (click “File A Report”) or by calling 877-647-3335. The Client Code is 3604930900. Red Flag Reporting is a team of Human Resource experts who handle all reports 24/7, either by phone or online, safely and securely.

Current NTA students may raise their concerns by contacting Mallory Acosta, Student Experience Manager at

NTA alumni may report concerns to Matt Smith, Chief Learning Officer, at  

The NTA will take steps to evaluate, investigate, and resolve complaints promptly and on a confidential basis to the maximum extent possible. The NTA also prohibits retaliation against employees, students, and alumni who bring forth complaints or concerns about conduct they reasonably believe to be discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. Concerns about retaliation against a complainant should also be brought to the attention of the NTA through the contacts listed above.

The NTA may address complaints of harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct through appropriate corrective action, up to and including termination of employment or non-renewal of enrollment or certificate.

For additional information about NTA policies and procedures, employees may consult Terry Randall at Students may consult Mallory Acosta at Alumni may consult Matt Smith at