Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Reasonable Accommodation Policy
The Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc. (“NTA”) is committed to serving and supporting all students. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (“ADA”), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, subsequent regulations, and similar state and local laws, the NTA will do everything in its power to provide reasonable accommodations to those with disabilities.
The NTA is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Accommodations are individual in nature and are decided on a case-by-case basis by the NTA’s Student and Community Affairs Team. Requested accommodations initiated by a student or application (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Student”) must be supported by adequate documentation, requested within a reasonable timeframe, not create undue burden on the organization, and not require a fundamental alteration to the NTA’s programs.
The accommodation process begins when a Student discloses a disability and requests one or more accommodations by contacting the NTA’s Student and Community Affairs Team. A Student who makes a request for a reasonable accommodation to an NTA Instructor, Admissions Advisor, administrator, or other NTA representative will be referred to the NTA’s Student and Community Affairs team, who will work directly with the Student regarding the request. The Student and Community Affairs team will act as the primary liaison between the Student, Instructors, and staff regarding the accommodation. Students may disclose as much or as little to instructors as they wish regarding their disability or agreed upon accommodations.
To receive an accommodation, a Student must a) disclose their disability to the NTA’s Student and Community Affairs team, b) request a specific accommodation supported by appropriate documentation, and c) receive approval from the Student and Community Affairs team.
If the disability is not readily apparent, the student must provide recent certification or documentation that indicate a specific diagnosis (e.g. medical records, psychological testing, etc. no more than five years old) from a qualified professional (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, etc.). The Student should also provide a note from the qualified professional indicating specific recommended accommodations that would be helpful to the Student in an academic setting based on the diagnosis. Documentation must be received no less than three (3) weeks prior to the start of a course in order to allow adequate time to process the request. Requests received later than three (3) weeks prior to the start of a course will still be considered, but there may not be time to properly evaluate and accommodate late requests before the course begins. Requests received later than three (3) weeks prior to the start of a course may not retroactively affect the course. Students should check in with the Student and Community Affairs team before the start of each quarter to discuss accommodations for the upcoming academic term. New documentation need only be submitted if the Student is requesting accommodations for a new course.
The Student and Community Affairs team will evaluate the Student’s requests and supporting documentation and request additional input or documentation as necessary to determine if the request can be granted. If approved, the Student and Community Affairs team will work with the Student to implement the approved accommodations. If denied, the Student and Community Affairs team will discuss potential alternative accommodations with the Student as appropriate. Once an accommodation has been implemented, the Student should continue to work with the Student and Community Affairs team on any accommodation-related needs. If the Student experiences any difficulties with the accommodations, the Student should promptly notify the Student and Community Affairs team for assistance. In accordance with data privacy laws, all Student disability-related matters at the NTA are kept strictly confidential.
Students seeking ADA accommodations may contact the Student and Community Affairs team at or 360-800-5682 ext 151.