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Unknown Speaker 0:00
goal and this

Unknown Speaker 0:02
is to get together. That’s part of it because we’re physically isolated but that doesn’t mean that we have to be socially isolated. So that’s a big part of it is is community. And the other part of it is just to, to give as much accurate information as possible. For practical tools for yourselves and your families and your clients, and also so that you can keep learning more.

Unknown Speaker 0:31

Unknown Speaker 0:33
I just want to make sure that if there’s questions I can see those on both Instagram Live and Facebook Live and I know, Kelsey is out there helping me. So if there are pertinent questions. It’s easiest for me to see them on Facebook Live but I’ll be checking on Instagram Live too. So, I just want to start with, telling you a little bit about myself because there are things that I am and ways that I can help, and there’s things that I’m not. And I just want to make sure that you’re clear about who I am. I’m Victoria, will font newly minted Jackson I got married in May, and I’m the lead instructor for nta and just a couple of credits credits shy of graduating from university of western states with a master’s degree in human nutrition and functional medicine, and I’m a research writer. I’m not a researcher I’m not doing bench research. I’m not doing primary research, but I read a lot of research and I’m very curious about what’s in the research. And then I write about that research, and so most of my time is spent learning.

Unknown Speaker 1:48
And then, a pretty equal amount teaching.

Unknown Speaker 1:52
So, I’m not an epidemiologist I don’t study the spread of infectious disease that’s that’s epidemiology the spread of disease in human populations. And I’m not an immunologist, although I’ve had the great luck to study with a wonderful immunologist and I’ll share some of her resources with you all today.

Unknown Speaker 2:13
I’m mainly going to look this way, sorry Instagram.

Unknown Speaker 2:17
But this is where my notes are.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
So, what I’m trying to do is just share with you work that I’ve researched and work that scientists are sharing worldwide. A lot of people are working really hard to try and help the situation. And we have the opportunity to make a difference in our world, with the tools that we have, which is diet lifestyle and nutrients. I think that we could make a difference with this. Partly just by coming together and learning from each other and then by applying the skills that you learn in a humble curious way. So that’s kind of my introduction. My goal is to go really slowly with this, and really calmly, and I think that that intention, and that attitude is going to go a long way in helping as many people as we can help if we do it. Really methodically and, and wisely. So, welcome. So, let’s get started. What I will tell you is, all of the resources that I share with you today are going to be on a live website, like a on interface website as a live page. So, that page will be updated, the more and more we learn,

Unknown Speaker 3:39
right before

Unknown Speaker 3:41
this video I was reading more and was like oh I want to add more resources, because we’re consistently learning more about this, so just know that that that read page will be on the

Unknown Speaker 3:54
nta sweb site.

Unknown Speaker 3:56
And I will always share resources on my Facebook page, as I find them, and they’re free for everyone. So, that is where you will find the bulk of what I’m going to talk about today. Okay. So, to start out with.

Unknown Speaker 4:16
We don’t know a lot. And

Unknown Speaker 4:20
that’s because you may have heard this word novel associated with this virus. And what that means is, is that we’ve never seen it in a human population before SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome, it’s an acronym.

Unknown Speaker 4:35

Unknown Speaker 4:36
normally, those those viruses are in animals, but sometimes they come over into the human population and so that’s happened a few times before. I think seven strains have been able to infect humans. The strain is new, and so we haven’t had the time to do the research that would be the most optimal research which would be primary studies with interventions to figure out what is going to help the most. So we’re making the best guesses that we can, and they’re, they’re really good guesses. They’re, they’re all just hypothetical based on the information that we have from other SARS viruses, from how we know the immune system works, what little we do you know about this virus which we do have some information but like I said the application of the tools is. It’s still, it’s still so new that we just don’t have as much information as, as we would like. But we’re doing our best so I think that, from that place, any type of tool that we use has to be used with a lot of care, and as much knowledge backing it as possible, which I know is important to all of us. And I think the other consideration right now is because of people’s just current financial situation for a lot of us, myself included, my, my husband is laid off work for a month. We have to be really careful with, with our financial resources so my goal is really to recommend a lot of whole food, tools, one because of Financial Peace and two because they’re not contraindicated right so any type of pre existing condition that someone has any type of disease or problems, someone has or any type of medication, they may be taking. Most people can eat all kinds of food. So, this is really a chance for us to make great dietary recommendations. So I’m going to just go ahead and start and go through what I have for today. And then I’d like to have, you know, 30 minutes, at least at the end to answer any questions that I can, or at least point you in the right direction of where those questions can be answered. So, a couple really wonderful overviews on this, the situation can be found on examine calm. That’s a really excellent website that takes research information and it. It summarises it down in a way that’s easy for me to understand and it’s a great place to find information there page on this is called coronavirus. Again, you’re going to get that link. The other place that I would say it’s a good resource is Johns Hopkins, they basically have a live stars Cove to update graph showing the amount of people that are currently infected. The amount of people that have recovered the mortality rate, where it is now and like that. And so that kind of brings us to this point we’ve kind of heard this covered 19 phrase that’s actually the illness that results from the virus that’s called SARS Cove two. So if you’re looking around for information on this virus SARS code two is the actual virus. And I think that’s just important for us to know as as practitioners that that correct Mongo. So it is a pandemic. I think some people are wondering what the difference is between epidemic and a pandemic epidemic is a kind of an unexpected wide spread of disease. Much more above average than than what would normally be there, a pandemic is when it starts to spread to to other parts of the world. So when it’s not just contained in one place, but when it’s from country to country. And again with that there’ll also be resources available to you to read more about that but just to kind of circle back to the use of these words it’s nice to know what those words mean to me that makes me feel better. So there’s some resources there for you on that.

Unknown Speaker 9:06
We talked about that this strain has ever been in humans before and so we’re wondering where it came from. There’s an article that I’ll link you to that shows where it, it probably comes from. It’s research that’s tracking this virus. And that’s interesting for us to know. So, you’ll get the link to that to that study also. So, really today, kind of with that, that foundation. There are some tools that I think are really, again, hypothetically, a you know it’s a possibility that they’re powerful with this virus. We do know that the virus has a similarity to other SARS viruses that it’s 86% similar. So there’s a really strong similarity, just can’t account for that extra 14%, that’s where a lot of the you know the hypothetical comes in. But there are some things that we know. We do know that people remain asymptomatic they don’t have symptoms sometimes. Some countries don’t have any type of strong symptoms for the entire time that they’re infected. Sometimes the lag period is is about 14 days depending so six days to 14 days depending on the person that it’s a big difference between SARS Cove two and other viruses, so it can kind of stayed masked in you for a long time, compared to other viruses and so it’s hard to know who may have the virus, and who doesn’t. My husband and I just got back from our honeymoon. Last Thursday we were in Spain. It was beautiful. We were in Barcelona. But we have been completely quarantined this whole time staying at least 10 feet away from other people because we’re not sure if we have it or not, and we’re also fairly healthy younger folks. So, for instance, a man that married us who is our dear friend, he, he isn’t as as Hardy, and we don’t want to go see him because it may be that we have this virus and it’s past him. And so I just want to emphasise that that the social. They say social distancing I’m trying to actually say physical distancing but I still want to have social connection. That’s an important piece of this. And I think that it’s at least here in Boston, it’s, it’s hard. We’re, especially when it’s sunny outside we’re going outside and interacting with one another more because the winters are so bad here. But it’s really important. Again, because we just don’t know. We do know this, this piece where it kind of stays hidden and so we have to respect that. And the other piece of that is hygiene. And what I would say is, you guys like I’m not, you know, I’m like a hippie right like I hitchhiked around Hawaii for years and and had a very roots existence. so that’s not always at the top of my mind, but we are taking big lengths to keep our hands clean, not to touch our face. And that’s important, and we’ll talk a little bit about how the virus enters into the body. We do know that the receptors that the virus is using are on the tongue. Possibly Also in, in the nasal cavities, and we also know that it has an effect on the central nervous system, which is my headache is one of the

Unknown Speaker 12:48

Unknown Speaker 12:48
So, I just want to emphasise that staying 10 feet away from people not in in your family. And, and socially or physically isolated. Having good hygiene. Those are really important parts of this and, and we do have some research on that based on the spread of the virus and on examination of people who’ve had the virus and are covered.

Unknown Speaker 13:13
And you’ll get that link, so.

Unknown Speaker 13:17

Unknown Speaker 13:19
Actually I’m gonna pause for just a moment

Unknown Speaker 13:22
and scroll down to see if there are any questions.

Unknown Speaker 13:29
Thanks. Kelsey for posting that link.

Unknown Speaker 13:34
Okay, I don’t see any questions.

Unknown Speaker 13:36
Thanks guys yeah we’ll definitely do that at the end and.

Unknown Speaker 13:41
Hi, Instagram, sweet,

Unknown Speaker 13:43
no questions there either but yeah we’ll do it at the end.

Unknown Speaker 13:48
So to go into the support that you can offer you guys we have a lot that that I think will make a difference. I can’t stress enough that everything is is a really good guest right now, but they are good guesses. So I’m going to go through this list with you all. One of the important foods that we can recommend to people are just a grouping of foods foods that are high in cysteine and glycine so that our body can use those amino acids to make glue tifia. We learned a little bit about that and the nta content, included siren is a very strong internal antioxidant and it’s really important for lung health, if there are any inflammatory issues like what might happen if we are exposed to that virus. So, the food that I love the most for food if I own production is a really good quality whey protein.

Unknown Speaker 14:48
It’s no mystery that I’m

Unknown Speaker 14:49
a fan of not copper. So, I’m more than happy to give them a plug here. It’s important to get a responsibly raised source of Ray, some people aren’t able to eat very protein so and so there are other foods that are high and cysteine and glycine those foods are spinach pastured poultry and

Unknown Speaker 15:13
low toxicity seafood and lagoons.

Unknown Speaker 15:17
There are supplements,

Unknown Speaker 15:18
so you can take an acetal cysteine and a C rack is,

Unknown Speaker 15:23
is it’s a

Unknown Speaker 15:26
supplement that supplies that cysteine to make gridiron hopefully in the body, or sometimes people just use glutathione. But those are helpful helpful supplements for again for like really internal income.

Unknown Speaker 15:44
Make it.

Unknown Speaker 15:46
So one of the ways that we can strengthen the balance of the immune system is through really good dietary fibre. And then the phytonutrients that are found in plants. I always urge people to go to Pinterest for recipe ideas. So many recipes on Pinterest that I could have never come up with. But that feeding of the, the beneficial bacteria, of the digestive system is very very important for for immune strengthening and right we know that we know that foundational digestive support is paramount. Along with that, you know colourful plant food recommendation.

Unknown Speaker 16:31
The specifics

Unknown Speaker 16:32
would be garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichokes burdock root oats. Those are all specific prebiotics that are wonderful for the gut. But then, how to support the digestive system in a way that is quick shout that people are able. And again, this is all specific right when you start talking about supplements

Unknown Speaker 17:01
or health

Unknown Speaker 17:07
for management foods, right so kimchi kefir the different fermented foods that we’re familiar with. So, supporting the digestive tract is very, very important. Zinc is probably one of the main all stars in

Unknown Speaker 17:28
this issue so wasters.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
I’m in Boston. I can’t help but to lean on research, a little bit but that’s also a really nice one to have around because they could come in they can. So eat oysters grass fed red meat, almonds, sesame seeds are the highest foods. You can also take a good quality zinc supplement. If you are taking zinc right for any extended amount of time, then it needs to be paired with a little bit of copper,

Unknown Speaker 17:57

Unknown Speaker 17:59
happily. One of the wonderful plants that I think will be a helper test and this time is black tea. We’re going to talk about that next. It does

Unknown Speaker 18:10
have some copper in it so that’s wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 18:14
Seeds also tend to be a little bit high, higher in copper than other other foods so just be aware with, with the zinc recommendation, but we do see that zinc does inhibit other strains of coronavirus, and so it may be helpful for us now. The other foods are food time vitamin C.

Unknown Speaker 18:35
You guys know those, right, it’s

Unknown Speaker 18:37
good to remember papaya Kiwi red bell peppers. Then we have these these herbal berries like Astro berries in our Vedic

Unknown Speaker 18:46
tradition we have all Malachy.

Unknown Speaker 18:49
They are shown to decrease the inflammation that might be associated with the disease state covered my team out of it seems. That’s pretty ubiquitous but it’s important to remember as part of this. There are some nutrients that we’re not 100% sure about and I think some of you probably have seen the document that Chris master john created. And he’s not the only one pointing out that vitamin A and vitamin D and also Selenium may not be exactly what we need right now. In a supplemental form. So, there is a reason for that and that is because it increases the receptor that perspires is using to get into our bodies. Here’s what I would say from a balance standpoint is eat the foods that contain those nutrients, use the sun, you know as much as you can. I know it’s only March, here in Boston it snowed yesterday morning so I actually am happy to provide also a link for you to make your own UVB light, which is wonderful to sit in front of just a little bit every day to synthesise your own vitamin D. for selenium, you know I always turn to Brazil much.

Unknown Speaker 20:11
My guess

Unknown Speaker 20:12
is that a moderate amount per day you know to Brazil, not today would not be problematic but I wouldn’t dose high doses of selenium, or vitamin A or vitamin D at this time. I was doing that. So I’m, I’m telling you, information that I’ve learned that it’s different than the protocols that I put myself and my husband on when we were in Spain, we were taking fairly high doses of emulsified vitamin A and D. It’s it’s just new information and. And like I said, with all of this, we’re just doing our best to try to put together the the tools that make the most sense, based on the little information that we have. So eat those foods, try to get in the sun UVB light if you haven’t, and I’ll provide a link to how to make one of those lights.

Unknown Speaker 21:00
Those would be a ways to

Unknown Speaker 21:02
to get those nutrients and based on what we know right now, and that may change soon

Unknown Speaker 21:11
movement is important.

Unknown Speaker 21:13
That’s definitely a bias that I have because I just love exercising, but we do see that a healthy amount of movement for people is supportive of immune function, and specifically nitric oxide creation, which may be part of what is is going to protect us a little bit from from this virus. So, sweat move drink water. Right. Those are pretty foundational things that are wonderful for all humans that right now it might be really important. laughter. You guys is really important, meditation, yoga, good music, we have information, you know from research showing that these lifestyle habits may help our immunity

Unknown Speaker 22:00
and laughter is

Unknown Speaker 22:01
not contraindicated for anybody. So we’ve definitely been watching a lot for stand up here at this house and funny videos and actually the, the wonderful immunologists that I’ve studied with Dr Heather’s wiki. You know, she did a podcast and I’ll link you all to in the resources and she said you know like Close your eyes and imagine whatever you love like puppies are so sweet. And so yeah if cat videos are your thing. This is the time to watch those videos and feel that sweetness listen to the music that you love. On the diehard David Bowie fan. So, those things are very important and actually at the end of this meeting. We really want to set an intention as a community. For every day at noon for us all to take a collective breath and stop and come together, because it will help us not only on an emotional level but on

Unknown Speaker 22:59
a physiological level.

Unknown Speaker 23:02
There’s one other nutrient that I haven’t said that I forgot about and I just remembered is good quality fish oil may be important right now for balancing of the immune system, or just the low toxicity seafood, that I mentioned before, great source.

Unknown Speaker 23:28
Looking for vegetables basically that stay good for a long time, not in the refrigerator and we got some hard apples like Arkansas black apples butternut squash, and other pumpkins we have kitchen full turnips and kohlrabi and that family of root vegetables. We got a cabbage from a local farm that is about four pounds stupids enormous onions and garlic again for their prebiotic properties because they support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Potatoes sweet potatoes. And then we also got seeds to sprout which we just had here because I like to sprout so sprouting seeds are really nice because then you can have vegetables, you know, in two days you can grow your own next to your sink. So that’s the main toolkit. And again you all this will all be on entities website, and I’ll be posting it on my Facebook page, and I can post it on Instagram. I’m not a great don’t remember to post on Instagram very often but I will definitely post the resource list on Instagram. And I’ll remind us again of this, but we do want, if people are interested to set a timer on your phone each day, and so that we all stop together at noon, and take a deep breath. And then just the remembering that you know we have this wonderful technology where we can connect with each other, so we don’t have to be socially

Unknown Speaker 24:58
distance just take a deep breath.

Unknown Speaker 25:02
And then just the remembering that you know we have this wonderful technology where we can connect with each other, so we don’t have to be socially distance just physically distance for a while. And remember to nourish each other and share these resources with people who may not be able to get them because that, that may exist as this goes on. Okay, so I’m going to look to see if we have any questions.

Unknown Speaker 25:33
Hi Molly so do you mean careful what we eat because it has virus on it. I just want to make sure that I understand that. I mean, I think it’s smart to to really wash your, your foods well before you eat them. But I’ll wait to see what you have to say, I’m actually not sure it’s like yeah if somebody touches something in a store. It could be transmitted that way would be my guess. Hopefully it’s been exposed the air for long enough to have died. But I don’t know the answer to that I would say it is a good idea to wash your vegetable foods. Yeah So Rachel if you can’t have weigh those other sources are great. Anything that is high in cysteine and lysine and the site that I use is world’s healthiest foods. I get some w h foods, calm it’s this really fun colourful website and you can look up foods that are high and sustain foods that are high and glycine.

Unknown Speaker 26:38
And then I listed some other ones so hopefully you heard that.

Unknown Speaker 26:44
Oh no, I’ve been breaking up.

Unknown Speaker 26:48
Okay, maybe it colour

Unknown Speaker 26:53
is so desync help just to capture the virus when it is in our throats and we are not yet affected or does it do good throughout the course of cobit infection through this I don’t know the answer to that the information that I have on zinc, is that it inhibits enzyme activity in SARS, which, again, you know, because SARS is similar to SARS code two, we hope that it may also inhibit enzyme activity in SARS code to. Other than that, you know, we know that sync has these really wonderful properties and us as a cofactor. But as far as its effect on the virus. Other than that, I’m not sure, and you’ll get that link. But I would say, look around and the research and see like now that you’ve asked this question I’ll be doing that to search to see if sync has multiple effects physiologically against SARS virus in the body. I don’t know that specific answer. Yeah, the Ayurvedic supplement is all Milwaukee Amal aka I omma blocky, I think I spelled it correctly.

Unknown Speaker 28:08
Thanks, Rashmi

Unknown Speaker 28:14
Nita our broccoli sprouts considered a good source of glutathione, I don’t know the answer to that. But

Unknown Speaker 28:22
that’s a great question.

Unknown Speaker 28:24
Let us know. I don’t know that.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
Okay you guys I’m sorry about the feed

Unknown Speaker 28:38

Unknown Speaker 28:45
If we can’t call them my connection I don’t have a wired cable I think that’s what you mean, and gosh now I’m just seeing this I’m wondering how long ago.

Unknown Speaker 28:53
Okay I’m back.

Unknown Speaker 28:55
From what I understand there actually have been issues with different platforms for videos because of the increased demand. And I’m sorry, you guys so well supplementation with L lysine work. So, from what I understand lysine is effective against herpes strains of viruses. I haven’t read anything about lysine with SARS strains of viruses with Corona virus. But Heather I think it’s worth it to look in the, in the literature to see, and I’ll be looking now that you asked this, but the way that viruses, interact with our bodies are different for each virus. So I don’t I don’t know the answer to that, but I’m happy to check it out and, you know, post what I find. Yeah, so the h2 receptor is that receptor that I was saying, is how the virus

Unknown Speaker 29:50
enters into our body,

Unknown Speaker 29:53
the vitamins. Excuse me. You guys got to get a drink of water. Thanks,

Unknown Speaker 30:07
the vitamins A, B,

Unknown Speaker 30:10
and mineral Selenium may increase those A’s to receptors and so that’s the concern with with supplementing with those right now. We also know that people who are taking ACE inhibitor drugs, also have increased in expression of that receptor, so they may be more susceptible to this virus.

Unknown Speaker 30:34
One of the, the focuses right

Unknown Speaker 30:36
we’re trying to learn more about is people who have high blood pressure and are taking those medications and may have increased AC receptors or history of cardiovascular disease is how to protect them,

Unknown Speaker 30:50
because they may have more

Unknown Speaker 30:52
spots where that virus can enter. So I hope that that that makes sense.

Unknown Speaker 31:03
After talking about music I’m sorry Tracy I don’t, I don’t know. Nicole I think SARS Kotaku is enveloped. I believe that it is double check me on that but it’s one of the reasons why people are are using clinically moto Lauren because it does affect that that virus envelope. I think in Chris’s write up, he recommends not to use it because it may also disrupt cell membranes of ourselves. I don’t know the answer to that, I have talked to colleagues who have had success with model war and I’ve never used model Lauren, so I don’t you know I don’t have clinical experience with it. And I’m not sure if it’s the right

Unknown Speaker 31:49
compound to use in this situation.

Unknown Speaker 31:54
Okay so yeah elderberry, um,

Unknown Speaker 31:57
I think it has to be specific to the person.

Unknown Speaker 32:13
And my unmute Please listen to the podcast link but I’ll give you, where she’s discussing SARS co two is that elderberry will probably not be a problem for most people, because even though, outside of our bodies, it’s shown to be somewhat problematic inside of our bodies, we have a regulatory system and our immune system our T regulatory cells, kind of help our immune system stay balanced. So they help balance the possibility of that happening. But But please listen to that podcast so that she can speak more to that.

Unknown Speaker 32:47
It seems like a great idea, based on what I’ve read,

Unknown Speaker 32:51
but I also consider in my mind that not every person is the same. So for instance if someone has an autoimmune disease and elderberry is something that makes them not feel good when they take it this might not be the time for them to take it. But she’s, she’s the expert on that and so I would turn to her.

Unknown Speaker 33:12
Meredith Yeah, broccoli sprouts perfect.

Unknown Speaker 33:19
Yeah, so, AC receptor I think that we’ve got that one clear. If there are other questions as I scroll down, I’m happy to answer them. I’m somebody who has hotkeys and they’re taking vitamin vitamin D and selenium for that increase of Aki to answer them as somebody who has hotkeys and they’re taking vitamin vitamin D and selenium for that increase of T regulatory balance that’s what we’re talking about. I don’t know if you should stop. I’m sorry. I wish I knew, I think a lot of people were so they knew. Really, it seems like the important focus for us, are the whole foods. What I would say is, talk to your, your practitioner, your naturopath your functional doctor, whoever you’re working with with Hachi, that has you on that protocol and ask them and their opinion. Some people are saying yes you should stop, some people are saying, No, you shouldn’t stop. And I think it’s just not clear. And that is, is probably the most solid truth that we have right now is that we have some tools. They are hypothetical. We’re not exactly sure how to apply those those tools for all populations.

Unknown Speaker 34:33
So it’s muddy,

Unknown Speaker 34:38
Instagram, I haven’t read any studies on colloidal silver, and I haven’t seen it come up in in discussions that I’ve had with my teachers, or, or colleagues, so I don’t know the answer to that I know that people use it as like an anti like a killer of things, but I haven’t seen any studies on that I’m sorry. A lot of questions on Instagram. Thanks, Kelsey for

Unknown Speaker 35:04
for pulling these over I appreciate, I appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 35:08
I want real for fever.

Unknown Speaker 35:11
When somebody has a fever should they or should they not take vitamin A, again, that’s kind of why I’m focusing on foods is because if we eat foods that are rich in vitamin A, and we have the array of cofactor nutrients and, and, you know, minerals and like everything in that food that comes with it. So I don’t know the answer and I also think that it’s, it’s hard to answer that for specific for specific person, right, really, truly, our foundation of bio individuality, is, is very intelligent. As far as what the common research says with vitamin A and fever, I don’t know. There’s a lot that I don’t know you guys you know I’m presenting to you the research that I’ve done that I do know. But if there, there are these questions at the end like the lysine question is fantastic or, zinc, you know can affect it when it’s in our throats instead of just the, the enzyme function the virus. I’m like listing these in my mind to do research on after this is over and I’m happy to share what I find. Yeah, it was a great question Why is it called Charles Koch to and also Cova 19 so SARS cope two is the actual virus that’s the little thing that’s its name. kovat 19 is the resulting illness. After we’ve we’ve had an infection from that virus.

Unknown Speaker 36:44

Unknown Speaker 36:46
Yeah. Thanks, Molly. That’s true.

Unknown Speaker 36:52

Unknown Speaker 36:56
My client Hi.

Unknown Speaker 36:59
So he’s asking if I’ve heard any info on utilising saunas or other sources of high temperature air and breathing it deeply I heard about this as a potential way to fight the virus. I haven’t read that. I can tell you that I’m exercising, to keep warm and sweat and, and, and drinking water and like that but that is just my personal feeling for my own body, other than knowing that a good amount of movement helps to strengthen immunity. Regarding sauna I don’t know Mike but let’s add that to the list of questions, and, and we can look it up and see okay to take anti inflammatories right now I think that it depends on the anti inflammatory so we know that glutathione is possibly really supportive of this. Other than that, selenium is questionable because of its possible ability to increase the amount of Ace to receptors that are on the lungs on the tongue in the heart, kidney right there all over. Other antioxidants vitamin C, it seems to be really helpful right now.

Unknown Speaker 38:09
and you’ll have that all in a list.

Unknown Speaker 38:13
Oh yeah, the podcast I mentioned, it’s with Dr Heather’s wiki but you’re going to get the the link to it and let me look and see where she was. But you will definitely have the link. She did a podcast for natural medicine journal. It’s called important clarifications regarding Cova 19 in natural medicine, but I’ll give you the direct link right it’ll be on the resources page on cold therapy, I think it’s really awesome. I wrote an entire research paper on cold water immersion I think it’s really incredible. And the effect that it has on the immune system, you know in a time where we’re not facing a virus is incredible. I obviously have a passion for cold. We lived in Tahoe and we would often jump in the lake and sometimes when it was snowing outside. So, I don’t know though it’s application. If we have this possible exposure to a virus. You guys there’s a lot we don’t know but but again like if, like I need somebody to help me make this list I wish I had a notepad here write all these down, we could look to see what happens if there is research about what happens to the body. If there’s an interaction between cold therapy and some type of like bolstering against viral infection. I don’t know if that exists or not but I think it’s worthwhile to check it out. Yes So Liz, actually in Heather, wikis podcast she addresses the, the recommendation to not take incense right now. Oh you’re talking about acetaminophen Colorado. So acetaminophen does inhibit redefine production, but if people do need some type of pain relief. I think they’re recommending that over and Said’s because of insensibility to to influence our ability to inflame correctly. I think that that the, the mechanism was. But yes, and there is this concern that Tylenol does inhibit glutathione and so you do need to supplement with beautify and if you’re taking acetaminophen or, or, without precursors. You know the parts that make up the gluta fine. I don’t know which is better, you know, like some people do need pain relief. It seems like right now acetaminophen is going to be the better choice, but please listen to that podcast to see what doctors wiki says, especially about the insides because we can replace that depletion of Bluetooth ion and that may be again lives this is like my, my best guess it may be easier to replace that depletion than to deal with the mechanism of effective people are taking instead if they do have cobit 19.

Unknown Speaker 41:09
Okay, the CDC h o ibuprofen Yeah, they’re they’re saying that not to use ibuprofen thanks Courtney. Okay, so how the virus enters the body it enters through one way I think this is the main way and possibly the only way it enters through the ACE to receptor. So, that receptor is found on our tongue. You’re going to get a link to a paper about that if there are heart there on our lungs. And so the concern is that we don’t want to increase those receptors, because it may be that that makes it easier for the virus to get into our body. That’s the, the, I guess, the good guess. But then how do we deal with the balance between nurturing ourselves with vitamin D and D or selenium, and their possible ability to increase those receptors. That’s kind of the question that we’re buying with right now to find the best answer. It’s probably individual to the person. I would imagine that whole foods are are the Paramount way to support our bodies with those nutrients right now. And other than that I’m, I’m just studying to try and learn more to get more information about it. Kelsey I don’t see any other comments here I’m just looking on Instagram to see if maybe there’s ones that

Unknown Speaker 42:42
you we missed.

Unknown Speaker 42:47
Yeah, there’ll definitely be recording posted, sorry guys it’s just hard for me to see. Okay, so the last question I see here is any recommendations for people on biologics biologic drugs like for autoimmunity is, I think what you’re asking. Yeah, I think probably physical distancing is the most important for people that are on drugs that are specifically addressing

Unknown Speaker 43:13
auto immune mechanisms with biologics.

Unknown Speaker 43:18
I want to say that the doctors wiki addresses that on the podcast link that you’ll get. But I do think that it creates a little bit of an immune altered state so that it is, is more of an effect if if those folks are exposed to the virus. But please listen to that podcast, like I said I’m not an immunologist I’m just a research nerd. So I’m trying to provide what I found. But I think she did speak to that and I do know that that’s, I can alter immune balance so please listen to that.

Unknown Speaker 43:57

Unknown Speaker 44:02
Any advice for couples regarding intimacy, I would say make sure they’re following the same, same physical distancing guidelines that you are my husband and I are are still living in this 300 square foot apartment downtown Boston together. We basically can’t be 10 feet apart from each other in our house. So, but we’re both being very very careful, washing our hands. You know, wiping off our keys when we get home, not touching our face staying 10 feet away from people both for our health and just for there’s like I said because we just took an international flight on Thursday night. So if both people are are taking those precautions. I think that intimacy is is beautiful. Right now we really need that. Okay, awesome I got the biologics question for Kelsey I’ll just wait to see if you post them here on Facebook because I can’t see my Instagram feed very well. And I would say you guys like we’ve got about 10 more minutes

Unknown Speaker 45:05
to hang out together.

Unknown Speaker 45:08
I wish I could talk to you guys in this format, because I’m just sort of talking at you. But again, I just want to reiterate, I think that part of what will help us. And actually, I’m giving you resources from Dr. Brian Walsh on this is that we do maintain some type of connection with each other. So, I’m not a huge face timer, but I’ve been facetiming with my parents. And, you know, still going outside is important so I see people but I just say you know a distance from them. You know, using Google Hangout, or Skype, to see people and stay in contact with people, or like Dr Walsh recommends like this is the time to learn a new skill to really enrich yourself in some way because it can be hard. With the fiscal distancing piece.

Unknown Speaker 46:12
Sweet Meredith Wonderful, Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 46:16
Liz that’s a good explanation of are the banks supportive the immune system.

Unknown Speaker 46:28
So what do I recommend for someone with Shockwave to the lungs, I don’t know what sarcoid is. So I’m sorry I can’t speak to that, I would imagine any type of disease of the lungs, that person should really maintain the physical distance piece, and support themselves with these foods as much as possible. I wish I could tell you more I don’t know that that diagnosis.

Unknown Speaker 46:54
Yeah, Rebecca it’s definitely being recorded for sure.

Unknown Speaker 46:58
Um, so I don’t have any specific wrecks for pregnant women, other than you’re not gonna, you’re definitely not going to do any high vitamin A supplementation. It looks like pregnant women do have some protection against this virus. And I’m not sure the mechanism of that I’ve just read that in some of the studies that I’ve been looking at, it’s still important to maintain distance to, you know, all the things that we’ve been saying. But there’s nothing specific for women who are pregnant again I want to like add that to the list I’ll be going through these comments and anything that I find about that. I’ll post it. Molly so any recommendations for specific probiotics so my knowledge of probiotics is, is that they are specific to whatever issue we’re trying to support. There is some evidence showing that bifida probiotics, specifically are supportive of the immune balancing of that T regulatory function. So that is not as specific, but, but we do see those those bifida strains and studies. My thought about this, and this is totally hypothetical applied to this situation is to use probiotics that would help to maintain the integrity of the gut. And the specific probiotics, that I would recommend for that are a strain of probiotics that’s a yeast cell RDI. But there’s a very specific type of SLR di that I would recommend that is called florist or, I don’t know if that is in any way helpful or protective with this virus. But I do know that it helps to bolster and and really heal the gut epithelial tissue. And you get those at CVS, they are very expensive, that’s sometimes my hesitation in speaking about them, although they’re wonderful probiotics. So, you know, that would be one that I would say support somebody, as much as you can. With these food recommendations and what you know to support the digestive system foundationally. If they have the cash to go to CVS and buy those those probiotics and go Walgreens also carries them. That’s great. I don’t think they’re contraindicated for any conditions. But it’s just that they’re spendy, they’re expensive so I’m just hesitant with that because I want to respect people’s money right now. Because I don’t know personally anything about nebulizing beautify owner melatonin melatonin I’ve never heard of nebulizing glutathione, from what I’ve read from people I trust, not what I’ve read from research is that there probably is some benefit in that. But I have not read research directly on that just like I said from actually teachers, I really trust and love so if you have that setup, I don’t think that that would would be problematic and maybe it would help.

Unknown Speaker 50:28
Okay, so from Instagram or vitamin D A and selenium recommendations for high dosing absolutely not for high dosing right now that’s one thing that we’re we’re kind of like trying to suss out, because we see that it may be problematic. in this situation with possible viral exposure to high dose certain, certain nutrients that may increase as to receptors. If there are small amounts and a multivitamin for children, I mean I would, I would want to do the calculation to see like proportionally How much are they getting of those nutrients per day. So I’m not sure the answer to that I would want to do a little legwork to see like how much are they getting compared to like the amount that you would normally recommend for an adult, where you’re wanting to, to create a new balance and an adult. Okay, Nicole said florists tourism website has a perpetual manufacturer’s coupon for $4 off. That’s great. We need that for for floor store. It’s a wonderful product but yeah, it is expensive so thanks Nicole, that’s that’s great information. And also if you do buy it from CVS and they give you these you know huge coupons when you check out. We have oftentimes gotten a lot of money off of those probiotics because we save the coupons from those receipts so it does help. It’s nice to have that. Okay you guys it’s 255.

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