The 2018 Nutritional Therapy Association conference, Live Nourished, will include two Lunch & Learn Sessions, one from James Doherty, Director of INNATE Response, and the other from Parker Sing, NTP and Melanie Figeley, NTP, of Biotics Research NW. Grab your lunch and join us for one of these sessions!

James Doherty, Director of INNATE Response, will be presenting Nutritional Triage. This talk delves into the scientific findings on the impact of nutrient depletion and explores how such dietary deficiencies can be counterbalanced. Our physiology has developed a rationing response to shortages of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) throughout evolution. When cells run out of a vitamin or mineral, that scarce micronutrient is allotted to proteins (in the body) essential for short-term survival. Proteins needed for long-term health, including those that protect DNA, lose out and become disabled leading to aging. This thought provoking presentation will review this study, the implications of these findings and uncover solutions to solve potential gaps in the diet based on these findings.


James Doherty brings 22 years experience in the natural products industry. Through personal development and a strong commitment to excellence, James has dedicated himself to delving into the complex science of whole food supplements and translating it into practical application for the practitioner improving lives.

Through examination of peer-reviewed studies and with an engaging and thought-provoking style, James’ current lectures examine the benefits of whole food supplementation, reveals the limits of reductionist approaches, and emphasizes the definition of whole foods as dynamic and evolving sets of interacting food constituents.

James has had the distinct opportunity to teach the benefits of whole food supplements throughout the US and Canada at chiropractic and naturopathic conventions, as well as to students at the Toronto College of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine and Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

As a passionate believer in whole food supplements, James has worked in many different functions and capacities within the FoodState organization, including new product development, leadership, education, marketing, branding, sales management and strategic planning. FoodState is a passionate, socially responsible company that cares about doing things the right way. While supporting two great brands, MegaFood & INNATE, FoodState has mastered the art of farm fresh supplements since 1973.