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Learn More From Our Annual Conference Speaker, Dr. Leslie Korn, mental health nutrition expert

Feb 19, 2019 | Announcements, Interviews, Nutrition Articles, Perspectives | 0 comments

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Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, NTP is an internationally renowned expert in mental health nutrition, integrative medicine, and trauma. She began her career in the jungle of Mexico where she directed a natural medicine clinic for over 25 years, treating over 50,000 patients. She completed graduate training at Harvard Medical School where she was a clinical instructor. She is Board Certified in Polarity therapy and Therapeutic Massage, Counseling, and Clinical Supervision. She was an NIH-funded scientist and a Fulbright Scholar. She is the author of eight books including The Good Mood Kitchen, Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health, Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature and the Body, and Preventing and Treating Diabetes Naturally. Her new book on Herbal Medicine for Women will be out in 2019. She is the director of research at cwis.org where she works with tribal communities on traditional foods revitalization. She has a career coaching and clinical supervision practice with nutrition and mental health professionals.

Through her website she offers:

Learn more about Dr. Leslie Korn here.

Join us at the conference!

During our Annual Conference, Leslie will present The Good Mood Kitchen: Advanced Nutrition for Mood & Cognitive Performance. She will uncover an advanced biochemical and individualized dietary approach to enhancing mood and cognition, differentiating the causes of low mood and poor cognition in children, adults, and elders, and how those differences inform diet and supplement choices, and also how to create client-specific nutrient protocols that include vitamins, mineral, special nutrients, and glandulars.

What you’ll learn:

  • Define a comprehensive nutritional approach to enhancing mood and cognition

  • Identify evidence-based nutrients that target specific areas of the brain and body to enhance mood and cognition 

  • Identify challenges when supporting mood and cognition in clients of all ages  

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Watch Dr. Leslie Korn on Facebook Live

Want to learn even more about Dr. Leslie and advancing your Nutrition for Mood & Cognitive Performance knowledge? Watch her Facebook Live
