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Faces of the NTA: Meet Katy Smith

Jul 10, 2019 | Behind the Scenes, Faces of the NTA | 0 comments

Learn more about Katy Smith


How long have you worked for the NTA? What is your role? 

I started working with the NTA in 2018, as an Associate Instructor for the very first New Zealand based class. I am currently the AI for Chicago and am looking forward to starting the first Auckland (NZ) class later this year.  


What attracted you to work at the NTA? 

The focus on empowering and cultivating an environment where we can not only heal ourselves and our loved ones but our communities too. I loved being a part of it as a student, and wanted to continue this journey with the NTA that changed my life. 


What do you love about working for the NTA? 

Being surrounded by people who all have the same genuine love for nutrition and changing the health of the world. Plus as part of the instructor team I get the privilege of seeing students blossom from the start of the course to graduation, it truly is a magical transformation.  


What are you most proud about accomplishing in your time at the NTA to date? 

I’m proud to have graduated my first ever class of students as the first ever NZ based class.  It was the most amazing experience and I am just so proud of the students and all the fabulous things they are about to do in their communities.  


Katy Smith Lifestyle


Describe the NTA in three words? 

Empowering. Educating. Collaborative. 


Describe yourself in three words 

Determined. Fiesty. Compassionate. 


What do you love the most about our community? 

Weird is normal.  

No, in all seriousness – this community was like finding a new home. I didn’t even know I had been searching for it until I found it. I felt instantly like I belonged, and that it was a community full of people wanting to empower themselves and each other, and work on healing the world.  


What is your favorite fat? 

New Zealand, Grass-Fed Butter with Sea Salt Flakes….duh!  


What is your least favorite food? 

This is hard, I don’t eat things I do not like anymore – I eat what I feel like intuitively and want my body needs. But if I have to choose, I do not like bananas, even the smell is too much!  


What’s your most used cook book or recipe blog and why? 

Currently Eat Your Greens by Pete Evans – love finding new ways to celebrate VEGGIES 


What are you reading (or listening to) right now? 

Understanding Psychedelics (Michael Pollen) & 
Everthing is F*cked – A Story of Hope (Mark Manson) 

Both are eye opening and must reads!  


In your mind, what are the biggest challenges the holistic health community faces? 

Getting our message out there. So many people genuinely do not know there is a better way to eat, and that they can actually feel so much better.  And once we get the information out there, we have to educate those we can reach to really see the benefit of true health instead of people thinking that it doesn’t apply to them.


Katy Smith Lifestyle


Want to speak with an instructor? 

Join us for a Live Info Session. One of our Senior Lead Instructors will go in-depth, discussing the differences between our programs. This is a great opportunity for you to get your questions answered and to determine if one of the NTA programs is right for you!
