Faces of the NTA: Meet Katie Merritt
Get to know Katie Merritt
How long have you worked for the NTA? What is your role?
I just celebrated my one-year anniversary! I started working for the NTA in March 2018. My current role is Marketing Manager.
What attracted you to work at the NTA?
After completing the NTC program in 2016, I graduated with an immense amount of pride in my education and the NTA community I was apart of. When the position became available, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to be apart of the NTA in different capacity where I could weave together my passion for nutrition and experience in marketing.
What do you love about working for the NTA?
I love the people. I have the privilege to work with some of the most amazing, talented, genuine people every day. People who truly care about the work they’re doing and the people they’re helping and empowering.
What are you most proud about accomplishing in your time at NTA to date?
I’m most proud about working with a small, yet mighty marketing team and accomplishing the ‘little’ things together every single day that become the building blocks to furthering our mission and reaching and empowering as many individuals as we can.
Describe the NTA in three words?
Genuine. Supportive. Radical.
Describe yourself in three words
Warm. Nurturing. Resourceful.
What do you love the most about our community?
I love how supportive our community is. We come together and unify behind each other and strive to push each other forward.
What is your favorite fat?
Homemade mayo. Does that count?
What is your least favorite food?
I can’t stomach cauliflower.
What’s your most used cook book or recipe blog and why?
I’m the worst at following recipes! I almost always just throw whatever I have in the pantry together. But if I had to pick one, I do make these delicious superfood meatballs that I have (and use) a recipe for and I love to frequent Juli Bauer’s food blog.
What are you reading (or listening to) right now?
I’m currently reading/listening to three books: Woe is I, Woman Code, and It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way.
In your mind, what are the biggest challenges the holistic health community faces?
I’ve worked in a holistic healthcare setting for the last 6 years and grew up with a chiropractic dad, and have seen the healthcare climate drastically shift the last few years. One of the biggest challenges I think we face is education. Stripping down the hoopla and educating the public on the basics and not being afraid of standing true in what we believe and how we can help and empower others.
Meet the other faces of the NTA
Interested in learning more about our paradigm?
Join us for a Live Info Session on April 24 at 5 PM PST. Two of our Senior Lead instructors will go in-depth, discussing the differences between our programs. This is a great opportunity for you to get your questions answered!